Playlist for Just Music 02/27/11
1.automat - mecadance - automat
2.manfred mann chapter three - konekuf
3.joe beck - nature boy
4.isotope - rangoon creepe
5.cabaret voltaire - exhaust
6.three legged race - mourning order
7.panabrite - triangle foundation
8.daughters of the sun - ghost with chains
9.dada - yuuen-inraku-gakijyo
10.opponents - opposition 5
12.Gospels -Rainy Days/ Lake Side
13.Tom Carter - Live in EVR Studio
14.the grateful dead - the other one
15.The Stereo Shoestring - On the Road South
16.j. jay & the dell-tones - wrong side of the track
17.mother lion- simple house
18.moby grape - goin' nowhere
Listen here.